“Making Movies” by Sidney Lumet

free essaySidney Lumet was a renowned author and movie director in the world’s film industry in the world. His works are recognized across the global scene for their unique taste and the message that the audience is able to perceive both on the motion picture and literature levels. Every party was in a position to understand and enjoy his great works during and after the production of a given scene of the movie. In his book, Making Movies, he has come up with different methods any upcoming producer can adapt in order to achieve the same Sidney Lumet has in the industry. The Verdict is one of the director’s highly rated movies. The film applied most of the characteristics that Lumet recommended to fellow producers (Lumet 3).

One of the recommendations advocated by the former director and the author is the correct use of lighting while shooting a movie. His views on light entail the proper illumination on the actors at any given stage to bring out a scene that will entice the viewers. Sidney Lumet further encouraged producers to go out of their way and spend more money to allow appropriate light on actors. In the movie directed by him, The Verdict, lighting was a proper aspect of production that differentiated the scenes. We see that the movie adopted lighting as a feature throughout the film. This has also been supported by proper coloration of the different scenes used to set up the production. The tone in the court, law firm, and New York City is varied to indicate a different set of moods of the movie. The film tried to capture a different lighting scene for every major event that takes place (Lumet 86).

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The author also encouraged the use of creativity in any writing or production of a script. Creativeness will generate an environment that will allow an actor to exploit his or her talents towards the making of the movie. In The Verdict, this aspect was elaborated by the characters played by diverse actors. An example can be set through the role characterized by Bruce Willis as a court observer. His character gave him a chance to play an original role, unlike the previous ones where he participated in crowd scenes. The jury coming up with a different verdict from the one directed by the leading magistrate was a unique twist in the movie. Most viewers could not predict such an outcome in any normal court of law. The action depicted at the 118th minute of the movie clearly demonstrated what the writer is encouraging in his novel when it comes to production. Understanding a motion picture from a viewer’s point of analysis requires a great skill of anticipating what a person needs and what does not need to see. Such logistics have to be encouraged in every film production in order to establish the strength of ingenuity (Lumet 112).

A proper working relationship between actors was another virtue that Lumet encouraged among his crew. The bonding between every individual will ease the efforts made on the production. This aspect of filmmaking is also important to be shown as the last result of the day’s work of any project taken. In the movie, The Verdict each actor played his or her role due to the proper coordination of every member of the team. The villain in the film during the court session at the 48th minute generated his bad character with the proper help of the opposing counsel (Lumet 65).

Creation of good motion pictures is a concern of most producers. The crew needs to cooperate with the actors to come out with the best results of a script. In movies, every outline has its own recommendations and targets that need to be realized during the production.

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