Step 1: Write an amazing dissertation
You are at the most crucial stage of writing the dissertation, which is the final product of all your efforts.
Surprisingly, some of the students being confident at the previous two stages of the process find it quite challenging as they do not know how to write a dissertation. However, it gets easier if you follow these simple steps.
Develop an outline
Your dissertation proposal is already a preliminary outline for the dissertation. However, you need to make it more detailed including all the new ideas and important aspect of your research.
Take a look at the most common outline:
The first chapter includes a discussion regarding the background of the issue, and its statement. Besides, you should mention the research questions, the purpose of the study as well as the terms connected to the issue. In addition, expectations and assumptions of the probable outcomes are made here.
Literature Review
You are expected to review the most important research achievements.
In this part, you have to explain the methods of data gathering and its analysis (qualitative) or the hypothesis and information regarding the participants and sample (quantitative).
The results of your research are discussed here. You should state the things you have revealed. Basically, it’s time to present your wit.
You are summing up the study and its results in the final part of the process stating whether the objectives were met. Also, recommendations for further studying should be included.
Follow the citation style rules to format all your sources.
Manage your time
Set the adequate deadline and make a plan of achieving your goals.
Create the first draft
Follow the outline and write down everything you think is important for your project paper.
Step 2: Proofread and Edit your paper
In a few days after you finish writing the first draft, you may start proofreading it. If you need some time to recharge your creativity, take it. You are likely to notice more flaws after a little rest.
Start removing unnecessary parts or irrelevant information and adding more details. Consider coherence of your ideas and cohesion of your paragraphs. Be strict to the point and maximum clear.
It is not quantity, which is important, but quality.
Reread the paper to notice any typos, grammar mistakes or stylistic errors. Polish the paper using an online dictionary.
However, you may find yourself struggling to do editing and proofreading at the professional level. Indeed, it may be difficult for student to notice al the flaws as they are too attached to the paper. So, we recommend using an editing service to improve your dissertation and make it second to none.