HRM Essay: UltiPro Software vs Bullhorn

free essayHuman resource department is indispensable in any organization. It serves the central purpose of recruiting and staffing, and as such it ensures that the right people with the necessary skills are employed for the job. Due to the evolution of information technology, it has become necessary for firms to automate their human resource information systems to achieve greater efficiency and reliability.

UltiPro Software

Product Overview

UltiPro software is a detailed payroll, talent management, and human resource system that is only delivered when demanded as a software-as-a service in the cloud, providing institutions with accessible solutions for the management of human capital (Kovach, Hughes, Fagan, & Maggitti, 2002). This software allows the companies to view the entire lifecycle of an employee completely, all the way from the recruitment to the retirement. This option is very important and resourceful to an organization due to the fact that modern companies face the issue of ghost workers more and more frequently. Company managers have devised a new way of corruption by introducing imaginary staffs on the payroll for the purpose of embezzling funds. Therefore, this kind of human resource information software has the full potent of enabling the company to closely monitor its workers right from the recruitment date to the retirement date. This human resource information software can be scaled to meet all the needs and requirements of the organization irrespective of their sizes in different industries. So far, this UltiPro software has 2,300 customers including Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Adobe Systems Incorporation, and Elizabeth Arden to mention but a few.

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Features and Functions of UltiPro Software

UltiPro software has unified feature sets that serve the purposes of talent acquisition, real-time reporting, time and attendance, succession planning, performance reviews, on-boarding, payroll, and benefits administration among others. The system also has the web portals that are useful to both the managers and the employees in general. All this functionality of this system is deployed in the cloud, and as such it offers the organization a 24 hour global and mobile access while at the same time cutting on the costly information technology resources. It is evident that the system has features that are critical to the daily operations of the business, and it is in these features that therein lays the value proposition of the whole system to the clients. The real-time reporting feature of the system enables the company to curb the instances such as late coming and early leaving alongside absconding of duties by some employees. Succession planning is important in those circumstances where some employees are drifting towards the retirement age. The payroll feature of the system is critical in avoiding the human errors that are likely to invade such a system when it is manually handled.

Evaluation of UltiPro Software

UltiPro software as a human resource information system has more merits compared to the demerits if evaluated in an objective manner. From its description, the system serves the primary role of keeping the history and the performance records of the employees right from the recruitment day to the day they attain the retirement age. Thus, the system can track and review the performance of each and every employee without making errors to that effect. This option is the advantage to an organization making use of this software as all the records concerning each and every employee will be accessible and retrievable. Furthermore, the system makes it easy for the payroll of the company to be made swiftly. It eliminates the most likely human errors that could be realized if the payroll process is manual. It also has the positive impact of curbing all the possible incidences of fraud regarding the manipulation of the manual payroll system such as the introduction of ghost workers, overpayment, and underpayment of some workers among others. This system reduces the workload through streamlining and automating all the human resource processes of the organization. Also, the system makes it possible to effectively put together, manage and examine the global workforce data. It also ensures that info is available across all the areas of the HCM for the purpose of both reporting and analyzing. On the other hand, the UltiPro software is costly, and furthermore, it will demand to be operated by someone with proper knowledge hence the need for specialized training for such system operators.

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Bullhorn Staffing and Recruiting Software

Product Overview of Bullhorn Staffing and Recruiting Software

It is one of the most popular and outstanding trackers for the application and recruitment systems in the market. This software is specifically designed to maximize both the efficiency and outcomes of the staffing and recruitment agencies. This intuitive software makes it easier for the agencies to manage the contacts of the candidates, track the various job applicants, and fill the vacant positions easily and with speed (Kovach & Cathcart, 1999). The growth of the system is directly proportional to the growth of the business. Furthermore, the software keeps the organization not only nimble but also focused on outsmarting the competitors. From its very description, Bullhorn staffing and recruiting software is very resourceful in the staffing process, and it can be used by companies who engage in solely in agency recruitment and staffing services or as in-house system by an organization that employs its staffs directly without engaging the services of any recruitment agencies. In addition to this, the software is both Web-based and paid for on a monthly basis and can be a subject to the number of the users or clients. All the way from the year 1999, the Bullhorn staffing and recruiting software has been in use by the staffing and recruitment organizations.

Features and Functions of Bullhorn Staffing and Recruiting Software

The system is a business intelligence system and provides information and insights to both the senior and the middle level management staffs necessary for the purpose of making the right decisions that have the potential of meeting the objectives and targets of the business entity. Furthermore, this system is highly configurable, and this feature permits the user to lay out screens subject to his or her personal preferences and customize the user interfaces. Another feature is that it has the ability to integrate with the existing business management systems. This possible connection to the already existing system is advantageous due to its cost-cutting effect to the business. Also, the software keeps the data of all the job candidates. The function attached is that there is no need for the business to keep on re-advertising for the vacant positions when it can go to the existing data and pull out the best candidates. The efficiency that this system imports to the organization makes it ideal as it streamlines the recruitment process hence ensuring that only the right people with the required necessary skills fill the vacant positions.

Evaluation of Bullhorn Staffing and Recruiting Software

The Bullhorn staffing and recruiting software has brought a lot of transparency and accountability to the recruitment and staffing process. It has ensured that all the information related to the candidates applying for the various positions is well-kept for the purposes of the future reference when the need arises. Furthermore, the use of the software in the recruitment and staffing services ensures that only people who qualify for the job are employed. It eliminates the incidences of canvassing, corruption and discriminatory tendencies in the recruitment process. It is the desire of each and every organization to bring on board only those candidates who are not only qualified but also those who can add value to the company. This human resource software is ideal for ensuring that the various organizations get the right staffs. The negative side of the software is that it only deals with issues related to staffing and recruitment and nothing more hence having a narrow function and cannot, therefore, be used for other purposes such as operating the payroll system at the same time.

The Most Ideal of the Two Human Resource Information Systems Discussed Above

The UltiPro software is the most ideal of the two due to its many functions that it performs for the organization. Although it has its primary role of preserving the complete lifecycle of the employees, it performs other functions such as reviewing the performances of the various staffs and running the payroll among other related functions. The multi-functionality of the system makes it suitable for the business as it will not demand the organization to install different systems to perform the other functions that are central to the human resource management.


The human resource department is critical to the organization due to the numerous staff-related functions performed therein. This essay looks into the two top human resource management systems that are being used by the various firms to meet all their human resource needs. Some of the functions performed by the discussed systems include the recruitment and staffing process, the operation of the payroll processes, and monitoring the complete life cycle of the employees to mention but a few. Of the two discussed and evaluated software in terms of their value propositions to the clients, the UltiPro software is the most ideal due to its multi-functional ability.

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