Information and communication technologies have altered people’s lives. Their daily activities strongly depend on the use of technology. There is no doubt that education plays a vital role as it helps to achieve goals in life. Technology development and access to the Internet has enhanced e-learning that is referred to as a web-based training. It presupposes the interaction with the learning materials, instructors and other learners at different times and locations through the use of technologies.
The influence of e-learning on students’ achievements depends on numerous factors. It is evident that their effectiveness is closely related to the way technology is implemented as an educational tool. Technology use tends to motivate students and encourages them to learn (Oye, Iahad, Madar, & Rahim, 2012). In addition, there is a belief that e-tutorials positively influence students’ performance in science and math, whereas the software of word processing improves their writing skills. However, it is essential to note that technology itself does not have a substantial influence on the learning achievements (Bakia, Murphy, Anderson, & Estrella, 2011). The results depend on the effectiveness of teacher training, infrastructure, development of the curriculum, evaluation, and others.
The opponents of e-learning state that it has numerous disadvantages. For example, such type of learning is unsuitable for some types of training and learners. It requires high motivation, high level of self-discipline, and good time management skills. Some students may find working through online programs irritating. Face-to-face teaching is still considered to be the most effective way of teaching that cannot be compared to any other type. E-learning is associated with some economic and social disadvantages. They can prevent or limit learners’ access due to the equipment cost, absence of online access or printing, and others. Moreover, some materials developed for the e-courses are designed for particular systems (Mobbs, 2003). Therefore, students cannot use it on different devices and it means that the learning process may be interrupted due to the absence of the required system. Students with physical and visual disabilities cannot become e-students. E-learning requires technical skills and may present some challenges to people (Oye, Salleh, & Iahad, 2011). Finally, an e-environment does not provide the environment of the pedagogically enhanced learning.

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Nowadays, many universities have implemented e-learning due to its competitive advantage and ability to contribute to the students’ performance (Roblyer & Doering, 2009). However, there are educational institutions that use very low interactive e-learning that does not make any contribution to the learners’ performance. Evidence suggests that e-learning still undergoes the process of development and improvement, as well as delivers substantial positive effects due to its ability to improve educational performance in some subjects and encourage the development of skills needed in the 21st century (Oye, Iahad, Madar, & Rahim, 2012). The influence of e-learning on the process of learning and its outcomes has been discussed in many countries and by many researchers. Many of them find that e-learning provides learners with an opportunity to learn at their own pace and focus on the program elements. It is a completely new learning environment that requires different skills, compared to traditional classroom learning, to be successful. Research, ability to evaluate, and critical thinking skills are vital as learner receives the increased volumes of information from the variety of sources (Soyemi, Ogunyinka, & Soyemi, 2012).
How It Works
The duration of e-learning is defined by the scope of the course. Therefore, it may last for a month or several years. The factors that influence the results of e-learning include students’ learning styles and personality. The style of learning is closely related to the way a learner processes information. It means that every student learns differently (Terrell, 2005). Hence, the e-learning may be the best option for one person and the worst option for the other. Moreover, personality is the factor that determines influence of online learning on the learner’s engagement (Jethro, Grace, & Thomas, 2012). Some people find it difficult to express their ideas while communicating face-to-face. Effectiveness of e-learning usually comes from the use of communication technologies and information. It broadens people’s educational opportunities and helps them develop their knowledge and skills.
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Technology has become the tool that removes territory barriers and enables people to learn anytime and anywhere without teacher’s presence . E-learning is becoming more and more popular. The influence of e-learning in the learning process depends on the variety of factors. Its primary aim is to increase education accessibility, reduce time and cost of learning, as well as improve the academic performance of students. It enables students at different continents to attend the same courses at the same time frame. E-learning indicates that technology is becoming the medium for learning. Nowadays, e-learning is a popular type of learning that is implemented in higher educational institutions and is closely related to the rapid growth of Internet Technologies. It may be concluded that e-learning enables greater interactivity of learners, and promotes their efficiency, cognitive effectiveness, evaluation skills, motivation, and learning style flexibility.In addition, it enables people to become active participants of the learning process, gain a well-designed learning experience, and become engaged in the course content. Evidence suggests that e-learning has proven to be more efficient than traditional one as learners receive knowledge and develop skills faster, saving time and money.