Why Should People Exercise in Daily Life?

free essayPhysical activities and exercise are the essential parts of human life. Today, more and more people become physically inactive, which leads to heart diseases and obesity. The issue is that such problems begin to develop since early childhood. For instance, Colley et al. (2011) assert that children from six to nineteen years old are sitting about 8.5 hours per day (p. 7). Although the other time they are active, such moderate activity is not enough to prevent obesity and other illnesses.

Interestingly, according to Tremblay et al. (2011), the physical activity among the population of Canada decreased and the level of obesity increased during the last several decades (p. 37). Due to the fact that people exercise less, they get more problems with their physical and mental health, mood, weight, and sleep. Therefore, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) and other stakeholders invented special guidelines for children, youth, adults, and older adults, which would provide advice on daily physical activity for every age group (Tremblay et al., 2011, p. 37). It is vital for the individuals of different ages to exercise on a daily basis. It is worth noting that people of older age need physical activity more than children since they usually have no time for training. Moreover, Colley et al. (2011) state, “the majority of Canadian youth are sufficiently active” (p. 1). Nevertheless, this fact does not reduce the level of obesity; that is why it is necessary to engage people in vigorous physical exercises.

First, those individuals who exercise every day have fewer problems with obesity and can control their weight. It is known that fatness has harmful effects on human body and may cause many health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to control one’s weight and try to stay slim and healthy. To prevent one from becoming overweight and obese, people have to follow the healthy diet and do regular exercises. Since physical exercises help to burn calories, the more active a person becomes, the more calories they burn. Thus, if an individual is engaged in a passive pastime, it is important to make pauses and try to do something physically, for instance, prefer walking instead of driving.

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Additionally, physical exercises help to develop muscles and burn fat. People should begin training since childhood even if they are not obese. Owing to the fact that children spend too much time sitting at school and at the computer, the absence of active exercises may lead to obesity. Moreover, overweight people experience more difficulties in walking than people with normal weight. According to the Canadian Health Measures Survey, “Overweight boys average significantly fewer steps than boys who are neither overweight nor obese, a relationship that does not exist for girls” (Colley et al., 2011, p. 5). In fact, adults go on foot even fewer than children. That is why physical activity is essential for older people, but they should begin exercising since earlier age. Colley et al. (2011) claim that “According to WHO and Canadian recommendations, to derive health benefits, children and youth should have at least 60 minutes of MVPA [Moderate-to-vigorous activity] every day” (p. 5). Thus, these little efforts may help to prevent such big problems as obesity.

Furthermore, people should exercise in daily life to improve their health condition. The reason is that most of all physical activity helps to prevent heart illnesses, especially the coronary heart disease. Thus, according to O’Donovan et al. (2010), the coronary heart disease death rate of physically active people is half those physically inactive individuals (p. 573). It happens because exercises reduce the level of bad cholesterol and blood pressure, increase good cholesterol, lower stress, and strengthen the heart muscle (Skills You Need, 2015). In combination with healthy diet, the risk of the coronary heart disease is being minimized. Moreover, daily physical exercises help to prevent type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, common cancers, and musculoskeletal injury, as well as stimulate psychological well-being (O’Donovan et al., 2010, p. 574). Therefore, the main recommendation for every person should be physical activity in daily life.

However, if a person was inactive for many years, the frequency, intensity, and duration of exercises should be minimal at the beginning. One of the key recommendations in the “ABC of Physical Activity for Health” is the following:

All healthy adults should take part in at least 150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, or at least 75 min of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week, or equivalent combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activities. Weight training, circuit classes, and other resistance exercises are a complement to aerobic exercise, and it is recommended that all healthy adults perform 8–10 different exercises on two or more non-consecutive days each week. (O’Donovan et al., 2010, p. 575)

If people take at least the recommended activities, their health will be considerably improved. Moreover, the immune system will be enhanced due to physical exercises.

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Another benefit of exercises is minimization of the risk of some bone diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis (Skills You Need, 2015). On the contrary, a person who is passive in daily life is more prone to have muscular dystrophy or bones dysfunction, which may lead to deplorable results. Furthermore, sedentary lifestyle may become a cause of different types of cancer such as breast cancer or colon cancer as well as lung and endometrial cancer (Skills You Need, 2015). That is why it is essential to begin exercising as soon as possible in order to avoid such diseases in the future.

Interestingly, physical activity improves mood and helps to overcome depression. First, if a person does sports with other people, they are not alone, and such intercommunication in combination with exercises will reduce their stress level. An individual who exercises daily may feel the improvement of self-confidence and esteem. Moreover, the sense of personal time and value as well as the feeling of success and achievement reduce the possibility of depression and frustration. Additionally, brain activity may be improved while training. Thus, during physical exercises, the level of oxygen in the brain increases, and special hormones, which stimulate the production of cells in the hypothalamus, begin to release (Skills You Need, 2015). The hypothalamus is responsible for memory and studying; therefore, physical exercises help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease since one engages brain with memorizing and cognitive abilities (Skills You Need, 2015). Hence, the benefits of daily exercises are unquestionable.

Finally, one more advantage of physical exercises is the improvement of sleep quality and duration. Adults may wonder why children fall asleep much faster, and their sleep is heavier and healthier than that of adults. The reason is that small children are more physically active than older people are. They use their energy, become tired, and fall asleep easily and faster than adults do. That is why, children are less inclined to stress and depression than teenagers and adults are. Therefore, if a person wants to sleep better and improve overall health, they need to exercise on a daily basis.

“The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines” was created to help people of different ages to become more physically active and begin exercising every day. The main recommendations for children and youth are to have at least three hours of intensive training per week and increase daily activities as much as possible (Tremblay et al., 2011, p. 40). As for adults, they need to exercise at least 150 minutes per week, and their exercises should include “muscle- and bone-strengthening activities” (Tremblay et al., 2011, p. 40). If people follow the guidelines constantly, they will achieve good results while improving their health and mood conditions as well as their appearance and brain activity. Thus, people should regularly exercise to become more self-confident and healthy.

In conclusion, physical exercises are vital part of everyday activities of every person. People should exercise daily to improve their wellness, prevent or minimize many diseases, and make the quality of sleep better. The advantages of exercises are indisputable. However, in the last several decades, Canadians became less physically active, while the level of overweight and obese people increased. The reason was in a high level of sitting in classes and at work, computer addiction or forced sedentary occupation. People work too much and do not want to waste their time on exercising. Nevertheless, if those individuals stay passive, their health and bodies will become even worse. Thus, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology developed special recommendations, which may help to improve the current situation with obesity. To prevent obesity and heart diseases, it is enough to exercise at least 180 minutes per week for children and youth and 150 minutes per week for adults. These minimal recommendations may help to save people’s lives from obesity, cardiovascular heart diseases, and cancer. Therefore, when a person still has doubts whether to exercise or not, they should think of all the benefits of physical activities and make a decision to commence training.

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