Over the years, the education sector has undergone extensive reforms and transformation most of which have been influenced by laws. Moreover, these laws have existed for many years, hence, they went through numerous modifications, and some have been completely changed depending on beliefs and attitudes of the society. Additionally, various aspects of schooling including students’ safety, discipline, school attendance, teaching practices as well as student relationship with teachers, are all affected by the law in one way or the other. Furthermore, it should be noted that society is becoming more litigious by day whereby more people are opting to press charges whenever they feel their rights have been violated. Therefore, this fact indicates that most of the educational policies in the future are more likely to be influenced by lawsuits and other court processes.
Quality of Education in the Juvenile System
All children in the juvenile system are entitled by law to formal education. The main reason why the school quality in the system of minors will be a court issue in the future is that of the poor performance of children in those institutions. Moreover, the studies indicate that whereas up to 95% of the juveniles had access to education, 75% of them advanced less than a full grade level annually while in custody (Macomber et al., 2010). Furthermore, the quality of education in juvenile institutions have been found to be very low as many of students still struggle how to read and write. The failure of juvenile institutions to implement a standard education system to become part of the correctional and rehabilitation programs of the children in custody is slowly turning the situation into an area of concern in the education sector. Furthermore, juveniles are detained to be reformed to a point whereby they will be released to the public as responsible citizens. Besides, failure of giving them an education that matches that of schools across the country will be making juveniles to be less competitive in the job market, thus, increasing their chances of engaging in criminal activities again. Therefore, the quality of education in the juvenile system will influence the court systems in that several people and organizations will file lawsuits seeking the courts to direct juvenile institutions to create quality educational programs (Essex, 2002). Moreover, since the verdict of the courts will be law, the courts will be forced to carry out extensive studies to come up with a ruling that effectively addresses all the educational gaps in the juvenile system.
Disciplining Students with Disabilities
Disciplining students with disabilities has been a contentious issue for quite some time now given the complexity of the matter. Additionally, some of the discipline measures taken by school authorities may include suspension, transfers, or even expulsion. Moreover, the main issue with disciplining students with disabilities is determining whether a student’s behavior is associated with his/her disability. There were numerous court rulings demanding that every student with the disability should be given a fair hearing to determine whether their conduct was related to their disability (Hebbeler & Spiker, 2016). Furthermore, there is a court ruling prohibiting the expulsion of students with disabilities as a way of disciplining them and instead demanding that they be disciplined using other methods. Therefore, disciplining students with disabilities continues being a pressing issue in the education sector since school authorities have been placed in a tight spot when it comes to ensuring order in their schools. Additionally, the safety of other students will be compromised if students are left unpunished when it is clear that their actions were not related to their disabilities. Teachers and school authorities will in future try to seek the direction of courts regarding this issue as a way of creating fairness in their institutions (Essex, 2002). Therefore, courts will be required to work in close collaboration with several bodies from the education department, health and human rights sectors to ensure that errant students with disabilities are punished, and, at the same time, their rights are not violated.
School Completion Rates of Students with Disabilities
One of the serious problems facing special education programs across the United States is the high rate of dropping out among students with disabilities. The studies show that the rate of dropouts among students with disabilities stands at 30%. Additionally, 32% of students with disabilities who drop out have learning disabilities while 50% of the students who dropped had behavioral and emotional disabilities (Aaron & Loprest, 2007). The fact that the school drop-out rates among students with disabilities are twice that of students without disabilities makes it a pressing issue in the education profession. Furthermore, the absence of clear policies that would ensure that students with disabilities complete their schooling makes the matter more complicated.

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It is important to mention that states education agencies have the mandate to create and implement systems that will ensure all students will manage to complete their studies successfully. However, the state’s authorities have failed to factor in the particular needs of disabled students, thus, undermining their effort in completing their education (Essex, 2002). Therefore, the courts systems are bound to be affected by this problem as various lawsuits will probe the courts to compel states authorities to create and implement systems that are favorable to students with disabilities. Moreover, the courts will be forced to work hand in hand with states authorities and other education stakeholders to draft a directive which will effectively increase the school completion rates of students with disabilities.
Privacy of Teachers
For many years, the roles of teachers in society have been debated to a point whereby their private lives have been affected. On the one hand, teachers are viewed as role models in the society hence they are expected to be always on their best behavior during their working hours in schools as well as when conducting their private businesses outside of school. On the other hand, the majority of teachers are of the view that their profession is just like any other hence whatever they do in their private lives should not in any way used against them while on duty. However, many teachers have ended up losing their jobs after their private conducts become highly publicized rendering them incapable of effectively discharging their services forcing the schools’ authorities to lay them off in a bid to salvage the institution’s public image (Igo, 2007). Therefore, the extent to which private conduct of teachers affects their work at schools is a pressing issue in the education profession. Furthermore, determining at what point a teacher’s private life does become a factor to be considered when discipline measures are taken against him/her makes the matter more complicated. Teachers in future will be seeking clarifications of courts regarding this issue in a bid to secure their jobs as well as protect their private lives. Therefore, the court’s systems will be greatly impacted by this problem in that they will have to collaborate with human rights groups, teachers’ unions and school authorities in giving directives regarding this matter.
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Teachers’ Dress Codes
The way teachers dress while on duty in schools has been an issue which raised numerous debates amongst the communities where their schools are located. Dress codes are widely determined by the culture and norms of specific communities, hence, the views on how teachers should dress varies from community to community. However, teachers are expected to be role models to their students. Consequently, they are expected to dress decently whenever they are on duty. From another perspective, the continued negativity on some religions such as Islam in the United States has caused many to differ on whether Muslim teachers can dress according to the requirements of their religion. With terrorists’ acts largely being blamed on Muslims, many parents and school authorities have objected Muslim teachers from dressing according to their religion fearing that they will influence their students to convert to Islam (Taylor-Gooby & Waite, 2014). Therefore, the courts in the future will be impacted by the dressing code issues of teachers as it has over the years dealt with them in trying to put this matter to rest once and for all. However, just like before, it will be difficult to set a standard dress code for teachers due to the court’s community beliefs and norms, thus, requiring communities to work closely with schools to ensure that teachers’ dress codes do not affect the learning process. Furthermore, courts have to collaborate closely with rights groups to protect the rights of minority groups during this process.
How It Works
It is worthy to note the pivotal role the legal systems will play in the future in steering reforms in the educational sector across the country. Moreover, the court’s systems will be equally affected by the numerous lawsuits that will be seeking the court’s directives regarding various educational issues in a bid to streamline the sector. However, several individuals or groups would be tempted to use the legal systems to serve their selfish interests thus, in turn, leaving adverse effects on both teachers and students. Therefore, appropriate measures must be put in place to ensure that no one abuses the legal systems to advance their egotistical ambitions.