If you are in need of custom writing help but you worry about money, namely whether you will have to tighten your belt once you have decided to seek professional writing help, keep in mind that you can take part in our custom writing service affiliate program. With the help of the program, you can save money while placing orders and get an excellent chance of earning. Wonder what you have to do? You simply need to popularize our company among its target customers. So, if you know people who might be interested in custom-written papers, do not hesitate and participate in our custom writing affiliate program.

Affiliate program!
We will give you a worthy commission:
10% of the price paid by your referees
for each order.
Check out the following benefits:
- you get a 10% bonus from each order placed by the new client who has come to visit our company`s website upon your recommendation;
- first-time customers, who decide to purchase papers from us by your recommendation, get a 17% discount for their first order.

Exclusive savings! Save 25% on your ORDER
Get 15% OFF your FIRST ORDER (code: leader15) + 10% OFF every order by receiving 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page
How to Participate in Our Affiliate Program?
- Log into our company’s website and click the tab “Affiliate Program.”
- Have a look at the affiliate program link alongside a special promo code.
- Copy this information and forward it to potential customers.
- As soon as the recipients click the link, they will be forwarded to our company’s website and will be able to easily place the order online. They will just have to fill in the order placement form.
- Once the new client places the order online, the discount will be applied automatically.

- Open the "Affiliate Program" section in your personal profile;
- Get an exclusive promotional link generated by the system;
- Next, send this link via e-mail to everyone you want to invite;
- Inform these people about the link sent to their e-mail;
- Let them know that using this link allows getting a great discount on their first order placed on this website;
- To get a discount, the customer should insert the link when submitting an order form or click on the link in the e-mail;
- All the procedures and automatized and the inexperienced user should experience no problems on each of the stages. Thus, the customer can place an order and get an impressive discount in just a few clicks of the mouse.
Exclusivity of Our Custom Writing Affiliate Program for Each Student
Our program will prove to be particularly handy for students as it helps them to save money and, what is even more, earn money for future orders. Each student participating in our affiliate program gets bonuses and he/ she can either collect them or spend them partially. For example, you can either gather the bonuses and then use all of the collected ones to pay for an order, pay with the bonuses partially (part of the sum with bonuses and the other part with money), or withdraw money from your account. Whatever option you choose, do not hesitate and grab this perfect opportunity to care for your academic writing and financial needs.
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