Wal-Mart Discrimanation Case

Wal-Mart Discrimination Case has greatly changed the situation with ruling concerning discrimination at work. It changed the ground rules because nowadays there are much more requirements and expectations from the employees who sue a certain company for discrimination. Workers have to prove that they were discriminated, and they need a lot of evidence in order to do that (Martin, 2013). The ruling of the Supreme Court showed that it would be much harder for employees to sue the company nowadays. The amount of people who file a suit does not guarantee ruling in favor; on the contrary, it may lead to quite opposite results.

There was an ethical change which affected the ground rules in that situation. Many people have sued Wal-Mart for gender discrimination, but it was impossible to check whether every case was true. Also, work ethics is different in every company which is why it is very difficult to determine whether there was real discrimination. Thus, it would be unethical to blame Wal-Mart for discriminating so many women. It is impossible to track every single employee and analyze his or her performance in order to see whether he or she was undervalued. There is also a conflict of interests because it may look like people simply wanted money from the company they were working on. Thus, such conflicting situation changes the attitude toward this case.

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There was also a deficiency of evidence which was mentioned before. How could somebody determine whether every single woman in that case was discriminated? It was very difficult to do because of many reasons. First of all, there were too many women in that case. Second, it was very hard to combine one person’s view on discrimination and company’s approach toward it. People can view discrimination as the lack of promotion, but it is not so. Thus, such case is very difficult, and it changed the ground rules of employees suing companies. Nowadays, there are fewer of such cases because proving the company’s discriminating policy became much more difficult.


Martin, N. (2013, September 27). The impact and echoes of the Wal-Mart Discrimination Case. ProPublica. Retrieved from website

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