12 Tips on How to Make Thesis Writing More Fun

Many students associate the process of working on academic writing tasks with stress and anxiety. Usually, this stress stems from the realization that there are certain deadlines and instructions that students should follow. When it comes to thesis writing, students face with even more anxiety as their success depends on the following paper. You may have a really supportive and responsive academic supervisor who accompanies you in your academic path. Still, you may lack some tips and guidelines that could add more enjoyment and fun to the thesis paper writing process. If so, you have to check out some practical tips that could ease this writing process for you:

  1. Tackle your fear of the blank page

As stated in many students` feedbacks, one of the underlying obstacles in the writing process is the fear of a blank page. This is the exact moment when you open the document or when you take a piece of paper and stare at it, not knowing how to start the thesis. Many modern students are prone to procrastination. So, you should try to brainstorm some fresh ideas and ask yourself about 10 questions related to the topic in one minute. It is advisable to write them down without thinking, without focusing on grammar and logical connections. Once you jot down these questions, you should ensure that your anxiety levels will drop down. You will have a backbone for your paper. The next step is to develop your ideas in detail.

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  1. Work with definitions of the required terms and concepts

To cover the topic, you should draw a map of the main concepts and terms related to it. It would give you a structure and help you maintain the logical connections easier. So, you have to identify different focuses of your future writing. You should try to seek literature where you could find reliable evidence, collect information, and present the gathered data in visual form. You may follow such a sample of table. In the first column, you may indicate the name of authors. In the second one, you may mention the title of their work. In the third column, you may write a brief description of what the work is about. You can focus on the definitions of some specific terms or some interesting information from the field of work. You may also present some basic focuses the authors have taken in their works. Once you collect such data from about 10 credible academic sources, you will be well aware of what to write about.

  1. Structure the content

After you have gathered sufficient sources and outlined your thesis paper, organize all the information in the form of a draft. You have to make emphasis on the content here and the ideas you want to convey. If you are writing a paper on some variables, you have to ensure you present the logical connections. Take into consideration that, when it comes to thesis paper writing, the major questions are «why» and «how».

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  1. Take into account expectations of your scientific supervisor

When working on your thesis paper, you should adhere to the instructions provided by your academic supervisor. No matter what specific requirements you have, there are also some widely accepted ones that you should follow:

  • proficient knowledge and expertise in the research principles and methodology related to your major and topic under study;
  • ability to collect, make analysis and interpret peer-reviewed sources;
  • contribution to the research field (especially when it comes to PhD thesis or dissertation writing);
  • originality of research in Master`s thesis paper writing.

When checking your project, your professor may pay attention to the following aspects:

  • in-depth understanding of theoretical principles;
  • a strong and logical central argument supported by ample pieces of evidence;
  • logical transitions between different ideas, sentences, and paragraphs;
  • original and authentic writing with a creative approach;
  • your confidence in understanding and presenting your piece of writing.
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  1. Set aside enough time for writing

A thesis project is a type of extended writing that demands sufficient time, energy, and efforts. You should devote sufficient time to cover all stages of research and writing. You have to ensure you are not in haste when it comes to working on your thesis paper. If you face some struggles with writing, check out the following recommendations:

  • try to explain the topic or some parts of it to your friend or family member — this approach can also help you to understand the topic;
  • complete a list of key ideas in a bullet-pointed list;
  • practice free writing whenever you encounter some new ideas — do not focus on expressing yourself in an appropriate way.
  1. Learn from others

Read some thesis paper samples available online in different libraries and databases. Try to learn some writing principles and approaches from you fellow colleagues. When you start reviewing the works of other researchers, consider the following:

  • the way they introduce, develop, and link ideas;
  • how they structure the main arguments;
  • how they demonstrate their confidence in the research they are presenting;
  • what conclusions they draw from their works;
  • what questions they pay attention to in different sections.

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  1. Boost your vocabulary level and management

It can be particularly irritating and annoying when you cannot express what you mean due to the lack of language or vocabulary level. If you have a poor command of English, you should read more in order to learn some specific phrases and words useful in academic writing. Reading some publications or books at least 20-30 minutes each day may significantly increase your language command.

  1. Visualize information that is difficult for you to grasp

Try to structure the information you gather in visual forms: graphs, tables, diagrams, and any other that you find suitable. You may then add some arrows in order to pinpoint to the logical connections between different concepts and topics. You may even ask for feedback from you colleagues or professors. Use their recommendations as a means of improving your work even more.

  1. Ensure links between sections or chapters

It is necessary to structure your paper in a logical manner. So, think of transition words or phrases that could fulfill this function. Start each chapter with an opening sentence. You should indicate the main idea of the chapter and how you plan to investigate or develop it. Also, highlight how the chapters are linked with one another. This approach is needed to help readers understand the role of each chapter in the thesis. With appropriate linkers and transitions, you can also make your paper more interesting.

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  1. Follow your passion, curiosity, and intuition

The writing process goes smoother if you select a topic that you are passionate about. When you choose topics that are interesting not only to your target audience but also to you, your levels of energy may boost with each subsequent research part or chapter. When you are curious about what you are working on, you can unveil some new perspectives, be more motivated, and have more fun throughout the process.

  1. Read research articles while you are working on your thesis

You can make your brain work more efficiently when you give it the kind of fuel needed. So, while you are working on a research paper, fuel it up with research papers and articles. You may get the practice of reading research articles the night before you will be working on your project. You will maintain proper focus and make it easier to choose appropriate words and terms. Another benefit is that you will be more prone to getting some brilliant and new ideas and perspectives.

  1. Never undermine the importance of breaks and sufficient sleep

You should be active and effective in research. Consider that you should not only practice but also have some rest and relaxation. Make sure you get enough sleep each night and that you take breaks in the work process. Take a nap in the middle of the day, practice mindfulness techniques, meditate, or go for a walk in nature. Also, you can practice some sports to maintain clarity of thought and creativity. You may be pleasantly surprised how these pre-planned breaks enhance your energy levels and regenerate you.

Hopefully, the recommendations provided in this article may help you in progressing with your thesis writing. Even if some pieces of advice may not be new to you, you should practice them on a regular basis. In case you still cannot cope with your thesis paper writing yourself, you can order a thesis online from our professional custom writing agency.

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