Research essays

Ethnic Segregation: Social Stability and Inclusivity

Ethnic segregation is considered to be as old as the civilization itself. It dates back to the early times of Babylon, when it was believed the city was divided into two parts. The outer walls of the city could be accessed by anyone, and the inner parts were reserved for kings and priests only (Benevolo […]

Social Impacts Of Mega Sports Events: London Olympics 2012

1. Introduction 1.1.Background The impact of hosting a mega sports event is contentious subject on which there is little consensus. Different studies have pointed out different findings, with some studies indicating positive impacts (Baade & Matheson 2004). Positive impact of hosting a mega sports event may be overstated (Carrière & Demazière 2002). Other studies have […]

Teacher Survival versus Student Learning

The survival of teachers and the learning of the students is a concern for the stakeholders in the teaching learning process. The teachers with both higher personalities and possessing the required abilities are able to organize and execute the program affecting student’s learning abilities. They are also successful in aiding the learners acquiring knowledge. Therefore, […]

The Effect of Videogames on Student Achievement

Video games are a unique material, worth being studied. They play both negative and positive role on people engaged. Parents usually tend to think that video games have a negative impact on their children. They accept the point of view that video games corrupt their children’s brains and prevent them from achieving future success. People […]

Cloud and Student Information Records: Design and Evaluation of the Performance for the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Saudi Arabia by Riverbed Tools

Currently, TVTC has a long-term strategic plan to merge two types of institutions: the technical colleges and the National Institute of Technology (NIT). The merger will make it compulsory for NIT students to attend some classes in the technical colleges. The greatest challenge in the merging process is to combine records for both institutions. They […]

How Music with Creative Movements Help in the Development of Children’s Brain

The studies conducted on music and physical movements clearly defined the role of both in the development of a child’s brain. Music with creative movements mainly helps in two ways. First, they enhance the physical, emotional, cognitive and also creative aspects of a child. Secondly, they enrich the curriculum of children. Researches are still trying […]

Job Satisfaction and Productivity across Gender

Job satisfaction has continuously been considered a very important attribute in the labor market because of its usefulness in the measurement of workers’ utility in any given workplace. The variation of the levels of job satisfaction has been proved to relate to job performance, employee retention and absenteeism, which are all related to productivity. Most […]

Media’s Impact on the Perception of Colors in Dreams

The phenomenon of dreams has interested humanity from the very beginning. Noticeable philosophers and psychologists, such as Aristotle, Descartes, and Freud paid attention to this problem in trying to explain the nature and peculiarities of human dreams. Interestingly, different periods of history represented various imaginations about the human dreams and their characteristics. Recently, researchers began […]

The History of Espresso Machines & Refrigerators

The current day espresso machine dates back to 1946 or 1947, when Gaggia presented the Gaggia Crema Caffe machine with a piston lever. The device that was patented by Angelo Moribondo was an espresso making machine and was presented at the Valentino Park’s General Exhibition occasion. The acknowledgment for the industrialization of the espresso machine […]

Tsunamis: Giant Waves from the Sea

Through its argumentative flow, the paper will argue the fact that tsunamis are caused by forces outside of human power and only nature is responsible for their occurrence and causes. Human beings have minimal power to prevent and control tsunamis, but they can still apply knowledge and efforts to lessen effects of tsunamis on local, […]

Debate between Machine and Human Translation

Translation as a notion has existed thousands of years ago. Translation is typically outlined as the process of transferring the language of the source text (S.T) into the language of the target text (T.T) considering and appreciating linguistical and cultural discrepancies. The History of Human and Machine Translation Arguments of the theory and practice of […]

The Old and New Ways of NCO Self-Development

Non-commissioned officers (NCOs) are the backbone of the Army, and this is the major reason why they are best trained in professional terms. NCOs provide the leadership required to execute day-to-day operations with precision. In addition, implementing and teaching the NCO Creed in their duties will further develop critical leadership skills required both within the […]

Juveniles, Criminal justice and Death Penalty

1. Problem Statement 1.1. The Problem Juvenile justice systems handle juvenile delinquents with various problems. After juvenile delinquents conclude their placement, they are taken back to the society. The institutions that handle the psychotherapy for juvenile delinquents are required to deal with a wide range of problems. Making sure that juvenile delinquents get adequate placement […]

Expanding Disneyland to Dubai

Disneyland is a Walt Disney’s theme park that was first opened in 1955 in southern California in the USA. However, the company has spread over the world and is represented in many other countries. Dubai is the great city, cultural and business center of Asia and main tourists attraction in the United Arab Emirates. This […]

Determining HRIS Needs

Human Resources Informational Systems (HRIS) is a vital department in any company. It regulates and archives essential data that can be send to the governmental structures. HRIS is an integration of human resources and informational technologies implemented in software. Such systems are useful in receiving, tracing and maintaining of data that is important for company, […]

Consumer Behavior Report

Introduction Consumers behavior is an important aspect of determining the most successful marketing plan and, therefore, quite elemental in providing a marketing strategy. Essentially, consumer behavior involves an individual or an organization, as well as the procedures involved in determining the requisite products, experiences or even ideas that can satisfy consumer demands and their effects […]

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