Racial profiling can be defined as considering a person’s race during a criminal investigation. This is an act practiced by some law enforcers where they target persons for disbelief of a crime built on individual’s ethnicity, race nationality or origin (Burrows, 2011). Criminal profiling as performed by corps is the confidence on a collection of features that they trust to be linked with crimes. One of the most common areas where racial profiling is practiced is on the road where police associates races with traffic crimes. For instance, in America police are known to associate the black Americans with traffic offenses on the basis of their race “driving while black”.
The first step that this group would make is allocating one of their members in all road blocks to work hand in hand with the police. This will enable the group to monitor the activities of the police at a close quota. The second step would be to recommend that the topic of racial profile be part of police training program (Griffiths, 2008). This would ensure that all police officers understand racial profiling and effects to the general public. The third step is to deploy proper investigation to assess all traffic offenses to ensure that no one is victimized out of his race.
This group would measure the level of success or failure in eliminating racial profiling through evaluating victimization survey and uniform crime report. The group can also conduct research from the public to determine whether racial profiling is increasing or reducing within the country. This department would hire a competent person from outside to monitor implementation of this program to make sure that public funds are utilized in the right manner.
In criminal justice, the issue of police relating the black with traffic crimes has a negative social impact. This is because a crime is any act that goes against the rules and the laws of the land, but being a member of any race does not break any law. However, this victimization has a negative impact towards natural unity (Hawley, 2010). To alleviate this problem, the group should offer advice to the police force regarding the social destruction brought by this crime. Another step would be to ensure that in every police station as well as patrol team all races are well represented. This group would measure their success through conducting research from the general public.
Burrows, M., (2011) Racial Profiling Crime
Griffiths, C., (2008) American Police Work
Hawley, C., (2010) Racial Profiling Activists in Black Mexicans
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