Nowadays, gender issues certainly influence our life and form our social roles in many spheres from family relationship to politics. Gender often becomes a leading factor and basis for some jobs, as one exploits it according to its main features, especially sexuality. Moreover, class determines the image of organization, and gender is strongly connected to it. Therefore, some organizations are not only gendered but classed as well, and exotic dance clubs refer to an appropriate area for the research in this field.
Using a notion of gender as a tool for implementing the organization’s purpose is a part of working process. It implies certain patterns of behavior and rules, which are obligatory to follow. Exotic dance clubs, however, reflect a gendered and classified character of organization, as sexuality and femininity are main tools for attracting men of a certain class. For instance, the dancers’ methods of performance depend on a type of club, as there are different ways to approach a client, which will be discussed later. Besides, club exterior and staff’s uniform usually appeal to the class of customers and their financial status. The purpose of the club might also differ according to its type. While working-classed clubs concentrate more on a sexual aspect, middle-classed clubs try to present their activity for men to appreciate the female body and escape from daily routine.
Moreover, dancers’ appearance is gendered and classed as well. As the performance is based on sexuality and attractiveness, all the women have to underline these aspects by various means. Therefore, they may wear long hair which falls freely on their shoulders, as such hairstyle is considered to be the most feminine and sexy one. In middle-class clubs, women usually wear heavy makeup and long fingernails, lose their weight for being slim and sometimes even have breast implants. This does not only attract attention to the dancers but also accentuates the concepts of heterosexuality and femininity while classifying women by their appearance. Nevertheless, working-class clubs allow their dancers to choose their own style on the stage. Hence, one might encounter the dancers with various types of figure, and, most importantly, of different age.
During stage performances, it is noticeable that dancers depend on their class status when interacting with customers. For example, middle-class women prefer to keep a distance while dancing and avoid a direct contact, encouraging the customer for an eye contact or to enjoy their slow movements. To the contrary, working-class dancers often tend to choose a close contact resembling sex to get some tips from the customer. This way the class defines the character of performance, making it either sensual or explicit.
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It is very easy to distinguish the class of the club by staff uniform. It may contribute to the atmosphere of sexuality or accentuate business relationships between personnel and customers. Therefore, managers and other staff members dress more formally in middle-class clubs in order to emphasize on the higher organization status. Alternatively, in working-class clubs, employees try to avoid class differentiation, giving the preferences to more casual style of ordinary workers, who visit their club. Furthermore, a uniform might also display the gendered character of organization. The waitresses in middle-class clubs wear a classic uniform similar to the one in the restaurants. They have a wider choice of options and dress like the rest of the staff. Thus, waitresses resemble the dancers in working-class clubs, as they are dressed in quite explicit clothes, which expose their body. Consequently, the customers perceive them as sex objects, as their uniform makes them more alluring and desirable and puts them in customers’ eyes.

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One might argue that there are male performances in such clubs for women, and they also exploit men’s sexuality. Nonetheless, the behavior of male dancers during their performance differs, as they speculate on their male strength and act more independently. Moreover, such performances are less widespread than female ones. Undoubtedly, gender roles have considerably contributed to this, as women are traditionally considered as objects of admiration and obviously expressed sexual desire.
How It Works
In conclusion, exotic dance clubs are examples of gendered and classed organizations due to many factors, which include staff and dancers’ appearance, kinds of performances and types of customers who visit the clubs. Thus, sexuality in clubs is strongly influenced by stereotypical images of femininity, and its display as well as interaction with customers depends on the class of the club. Thus, gender and class differences might be easily observed while visiting various types of such organizations.