Dietary intake can be, on the one hand, a severe restriction for an organism; however, on the other hand, a healthy lifestyle. The outcomes of this practice are not obvious in the short run, and, thus, patience and some commitment are required.
With the help of SuperTracker, this observation will become much more interesting and useful. SuperTracker is a source that provides an opportunity to discover healthier ways of consuming by learning the content of one’s food (SuperTracker Nutrition Lesson). With the help of this tool, one can develop their strategy and be motivated to lead a healthier lifestyle. It is essential to determine the aim of this nutrition experiment, which is to compare the past eating behavior and the observed changes in it. Three days of food intake are described in this essay. Analyzing every aspect of the eating process will help to improve the usual daily meal. According to the source, students can achieve three goals: 1) calculate the number of necessary calories a day; 2) get to know the five food groups and identify the most suitable one; 3) understand the importance of varying foods to meet the daily needs (SuperTracker Nutrition Lesson).
The analysis will open with the experiment that began on Monday. The breakfast was at 8.20 AM and included coffee with milk. It should be noted that many people start their day with a cup of coffee. However, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of this drink. If people drink coffee without milk, itis low in calories and is a good wake – up for 2-3 hours. However, it is not recommended for people with heartburn. Also, it is common to add skim milk or a whole milk as an ingredient, but skim milk has 83 calories while whole milk has 149 calories. Coffee with honey instead of sugar and cinnamon is very useful for brain activity. However, drinking more than three cups of coffee a day can be harmful to health especially for the cardiovascular system. Therefore, one cup of coffee is an optimal quantity to be consumed a day. At 10 AM, it was high time for a fruit snack: an apple, which can be considered a right choice. 3,5 oz (100 g) of an apple contains only 46 calories, 0, 4 gram of proteins and fat. Moreover, apples consist of 80 percent of water and other twenty percent go to nutrients: cell tissue, vitamins A, B, PP, C, iodine and others. It should be noted that sour apples are much healthier than the sweet ones due to the number of nutrients. At 12 PM was the time for a delicious and profound lunch: fried chicken – four ounces, two ounces of tomatoes, a 1/2 cup of cooked rice and 160 g of banana were the main components of this meal. By the way, chicken digests much better than beef and pork. It is rich in vitamins A, E, H, PP. Also, it contains such elements as calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, copper and others. Although tomato if 90 % of the water it still contains nutrients. Among them vitamins A, B3, B5, B6, C and E, and minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. In 1/2 cup of cooked rice there are 105 calories, 92 carbohydrates and 8 proteins. Vitamin B6, thiamin and folate are included. When developing a diet, it is necessary to remember a common rule – eat everything in moderation or eat more often but in small portions. Also, a meal should be diversified with vegetables, fruits and a small portion of meat. Regarding the number of calories consumed, it is important to control whether it meets the standard or exceeds it. Thus, four ounces of fried chicken have 240 calories. 160 g of banana contains 150 calories, carbohydrate 17%, dietary fiber 23% and vitamins C, A, iron and calcium. At 5.20 PM, I had a dinner that consisted of a 1/2 cup of cooked rice with a fried ham tasted very delicious and nourishing. Rice is a source of vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B6), which is essential for cardiovascular system and stomach. Fried ham is fatter than a jerky ham.
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For me, Tuesday began at 7.20 AM and a cup of orange juice, 16 grams of bread, two ounces of melted cheese, and one ounce of ham. It is very useful to start the morning with juice or water because they will help to start digestion after the night. A cup of orange juice includes approximately 110 calories, 1,7 proteins, 0,5 fat and 22,5 carbohydrates. However, it is considered that drinking fresh water in the morning with a slice of lemon is the most useful. In addition, food rich in calories should be eaten in the morning when the process of digestion is the fastest. Therefore, bread or other flour products should be consumed during the first half of the day. Bread has many useful substances. For instance, vitamins A, E, F, B and sodium, cobalt, silicon and magnesium. It’s allowed to eat 1 -2 slices of bread a day. At 10:20 AM I had one ounce of chips and 1/2 litre of apple juice. Chips are not healthy food because they are fat and contain a lot of calories. Drinking a great quantity of water and juice is very useful. Apple juice is rich in vitamin C, A, B6, magnesium and calcium.( SELFNutritionData) The lunch started at 12.35 PM with a 1/2 cup of cooked rice, four ounces of fried fish and 45 grams of plantains. It’s widely known that fish is rich in iodine which is useful for everybody. Regular consumption of sea fish permanently preserves youth. It also contains vitamin B, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. Sea fish provides plenty of elements – copper, selenium and fatty acids Omega 3. At 4.23 PM I had one ounce of chips. Dinner began at 8 PM with four ounces of fried fish and 65 grams of plantains. Plantains are good for supper because they are full of vitamins and are easy to digest. Plantain relatively has more calories weight for weight than that in the table bananas. 100 g plantain holds about 122 calories, while dessert banana has only 89 calories. They carry more vitamin A than bananas. 100 g fresh ripe plantains contain 1127 IU or 37.5% of daily required levels of this vitamin. They are a great source of vitamin B6 and potassium (SELFNutritionData).
Sunday started at 10.15 AM with a cup of orange juice, 1 fried egg and white bread. Orange juice is low in calories and can be a good breakfast. A cup of orange juice contains 100 calories, 5,8 proteins, vitamins A, C Thiamin, Riboflavin and Folate. In fact, boiled eggs are more useful than fried. One fried egg has 90 calories, 2,1 proteins and 1,7 carbohydrates and vitamin A and B (SELFNutritionData). White bread has many calories than black and is less useful. For lunch, I had 4 ounces of Churrasco and 1/2 cup of cooked rice, 76 grams of plantains and1 cup of sprite. Churrasco is rich in calories and fat: approximately 190 calories and 4 g of fat. Sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sir, the significant quantity of calcium and chlorine. A beverage such as the sprite is not healthy at all. In fact, one cup of sprite contains nearly six spoons of sugar. It also includes 120 calories and a lot of carbohydrates. At 4 PM I ate 1 cup of apple and it includes 60 calories but a lot of vitamins C and B. At 6.20 PM 12 ounces of catorade was consumed. Bu the way it’s rich in sugar which is very harmful. At 7.24 it was time for supper and 6,6 ounces of Cesar salad tasted delicious. This salad consists of chicken fillet which is less in calories than chicken and has more vitamins B. Another ingredient is cabbage which is rich in an essential amino acids lysine, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP and K. Cheese is the last ingredient and full of vitamins of group B. Protein in cheese is better digested than protein in milk (SELFNutritionData).
Estimating this ration the conclusion appears. This three-day food intake is allowable in calories but is not enough in vitamins. It can be admitted that such food intake is not meeting my nutritional needs enough and should be improved. For instance, eating more vegetables and fruits, drinking more fresh water, reduce sugar and consuming moderate amounts of different products(HelpGuide). As it was noticed, there is a slight difference between the times of the meals, which is observed during the three days. For example, breakfast on Sunday started at 10.15 AM, and on Tuesday at 7.20 AM. Also, the number of calories consumed is a burning issue. They measure the energy of foods or beverages and identify the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the contents. Currently, in the United States there exists a major problem that leads to overweight – consuming more calories that the organism can burn. The majority of such “empty calories” bring solid fats (butter and shortenings) and added sugars (sugars and syrups in the already prepared products). The solid fats include saturated fats and trans fats, which can cause heart diseases (SuperTracker Nutrition Lesson).
To sum up, there are some helpful tips introduced to change an eating behavior. Among them are eating more fruits and vegetables; drinking fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk instead of whole milk; controlling the contents of the foods and choosing the ones with low sugar, fat and sodium; eating in small portions; be active and do sports; and drinking water instead of sugary drinks (SuperTracker Nutrition Lesson).